
Science, Story & Spirit: Self Growth in the Age of AI

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Our greatest desire: to be seen 1 min read

Our greatest desire: to be seen

By Richard Hallett

I wrote this to a very dear friend of mine. When you write to another, you weave in so much that others cannot see.

But perhaps it can form part of your own breadcrumb trail, back home.

I swear these clips will give me goosebumps for the rest of my life. There are only two people alive who really understand, who have been patient and open enough to go back to the same story, the same moments, but in different orders and at different times…to really start to see.

I don’t know if you know the song linked below, but I think you will find something very useful to you.

Just this time, indulge me and allow his voice to be mine, and “you” to be the source, force, universe, God, whatever you want to name it, that which evolves through the chaos and is always present at every turn in the good, the true and the beautiful.

This, my good, true and beautiful soul, is my heart, and is the very river that, when I submit, unleashes unpredictable changes in myself and every life I touch.

It has always been this way. But Eric unlocked something that even now is tearing through the continual resistance of this program we call life.

I think you are beginning to understand. It is so very rare a thing, to have a love this deep, an impossibly deep urge to serve the whole, and for another to see you. So very, very rare.

So truly, I am humbled by your perception and ability to act on it, however small you think that might be. It is the smallest of moments that exert the greatest changes. They are the hardest to find; a master is simply someone who can hear the music that guides themselves and others to their location. Nothing more, nothing less.

I will do everything I can to sharpen that innate ability to levels that exceed even that of my own, if that is what you wish. There are white cells, yes. There are also super cells. In all systems, critical effect is not uniformly distributed.

It is on these axes that evolution spins its ever unfolding yarn within, without and around the unstoppable.

